Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grapevine in DT Calling for Mike Dunn

A grapevine calling for Mike Dunn's return to the spotlight was in today's Daily Times. Sounds intriguing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No Class Joe

Well Joe, I see you have failed again at reporting accurate and up to date news. Carole Leigh Mayers' case is dismissed and you have nothing to say.

Obviously you could never betray your trust and loyalty to Sheriff Mikey Fife. A half hearted investigation where Sheriff Fife attempted to get young men to say Mrs. Mayers made advances on them to bolster his political agenda.

Sheriff Fife should have removed himself from the investigation as he had a conflict of interest in the case from the beginning and knows why. The same reason Davis Ruark had to remove himself from the case.

A badly handled case from the beginning.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Correcting Terry Cohen's Inaccurate Statement

Terry Cohen's inaccurate statement of Debbie Campbell getting the most votes (1,516) ever for someone elected to the City Council, is well, WRONG.

In September of 2003 "The Great" Michael P. Dunn received 1,609 votes.

We would like to state that Debbie Campbell will never attain the "Greatness" that Mike Dunn has achieved just by being Mike Dunn. Pray for his return to save us from this madness.

How low can you go Joe

Joe sunk to a new low as he decided to post Pictures of a local blogger and his girlfriend. Actually, Joe didn't sink to a new low, you cant get any lower.

The word is this Joe:

Gloves are off dawg.

You want to play that game, fine. This anti-Albero Blogger will unleash on you like you can't imagine. You have way to many enemies to be playing this game Joe, Delmarva Views is just one more that won't go away.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good Ole' Joe at Pork in the Park

The funniest thing happened at "Pork in the Park" on Saturday afternoon. Good Ole' Joe was walking by and on several occasions people just snickered and laughed at him. In one of the Pavilions a table of people chuckled and comments of "What a bonehead", "What an idiot" were common place.

One group of elderly ladies asked "Who is that guy everyone is laughing at?" They explained to them he was the blogger from Salisbury News. "Oh that nasty blogger. Why would they let him in here?" The response was, "He thinks he is reporter or regular media." Another lady chimed in sarcastically, "He sure dresses the part. Hope he smells better than he dresses."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Honoring Mike Dunn

Mike Dunn served the City of Salisbury very well as our City Council President for four years. Mike moved out of the city and has been mum until recently he supported Gary Comegys for Mayor.

There were rumors and accusations that he was behind Muir Boda's run for the City Council. Several people have been asked point blank what there relationship 'is' with Mike Dunn. Another local blogger insinuates that recent election results indicate Mike Dunn will still have influence over the City's business.

This fixation on Mike Dunn is crazy. This group of paranoid people are constantly looking over their shoulders and peeking behind every curtain to see if the Grand Wizard of All Things is there calling the shots. They are even rumored to believe that if you speak his name three time in row, he will appear.

For not being in power or an elected office, he sure does have some of those people worried.

So we here at the Delmarva Views believe that the Grand Wizard Behind All Things should just come and take his throne as the next Wicomico County Executive. Disband all the councils and he should just rule Wicomico County!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Daily Times Calls Debbie Campbell a Gadfly....

The Daily Times referred to Debbie Campbell as a "Gadfly" in their endorsement of her. About Muir Boda they said he is "offering a more thoughtful and moderate approach to the business of running a city."

In my 50+ years of business, I have always preferred working with and doing business with people who are thoughtful and work to bring people together to accomplish goals. Gadfly's often accomplish nothing and hold up progress. Below is the definition of a Gadfly.


–noun, plural -flies.
1. any of various flies, as a stable fly or warble fly, that bite or annoy domestic animals.
2. a person who persistently annoys or provokes others with criticism, schemes, ideas, demands, requests, etc.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Debbie Campbell Voted against Flood Relief

The Waverly Drive Storm Drain project will relieve a serious flooding condition that has plagued the Camden Heights area for over 20 years. Here some details on the project:

  • Will alleviate a serious flooding condition that occurs in the Camden Neighborhood during large rain events where more debris is picked up ad transported to our river adding to pollution.
  • The new outfall structure will have a rip-rap outfall to slow the velocity of the released storm water and the structure has a trash rack attached to it for the collection of floatables.

  • MDE General Construction Permit
  • MDE State Discharge Permit
  • Army Corps of Engineers Permit
  • MDE General Wetland License
  • Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Certificate of Compliance
  • Maryland Historical Trust
Many would like to know what expertise Debbie Campbell has that would contradict thes agencies and organizations that have approved this project.

You Have to Show Up to Be a Fiscal Watchdog

Debbie Campbell has missed more work sessions than any other Council Member. She also claims to be Fiscal Watchdog but has missed two out of four budget sessions. No wonder the Council Meetings on PAC-14 take so long, she has no idea what is going on and it must be the only time she has to question things.

If you are hired for a job, you must show up to be able to the work.

Debbie Campbell Voted Against Increasing Police Salaries

Debbie Campbell has voted against every budget since she has been on the City Council. Included in one of those budgets was an increase in salaries for Police Officers and improving their pension.

Mrs. Campbell complains about rising crime rates yet would have kept salaries for police officers at a level that created so much turnover in our Police Department. Way to fight crime Debbie.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

G. A. Harrison - What a Long Story About Nothing

Obviously Mr. Harrison must have been off today and had some extra time to put his spin on Mr. Boda's words. On PAC-14, Mr. Boda was interviewed by Phil Tilghman back in February. Mr. Boda did say "When I here government controlled TV I think of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi TV."

Mr. Boda did not mention Debbie Campbell's name, nor did he mention G. A. Harrison's name. Mr. Harrison continues to throw around illegal fund raising and such, with no evidence of any activity. However, his saimese twin Joe Albero threatned and intimidated Residents of the City of Salisbury by threatening photograph and out them on having Gary's signs in their yards. This is clealy voter intimidation and is further an attempt to keep this city divided.

Mr. Boda has run an honorable campaign by knocking on doors himself. I have heard many residents appreciate the fact that he is taking the time to meet them and to listen to their concerns. I for one am impressed with his humility and determination.